Navigating Exchange and Viewing the Network Status

You can view the current network status in several areas and formats in Exchange, such as the following:



To view the Network Status:


  1. Select the Home > Details tab. The top section of the display pane shows a partial list of open trouble tickets and scheduled install activities for your entire network.

  2. Select the Active Map tab. The map shows the sites and connections in a geographical region. The sites and connections are color-coded to indicate network status based on alarms or tickets. You can open any site or connection with a click to show detailed information.

  1. Select the Home > Dashboard tab. The top right display area shows the open trouble tickets (Tickets Affecting Network Health) based on the managed product area selected. Graphics in the upper left section of the display window indicate the general state of the Infrastructure Health. Reliability and Security information and graphics appear in the bottom pane.

  2. View the network tree state.


Related topics:


Navigating the Network Tree, Menu Bar, and Tabs

Active Map


My Settings
