Deactivating/Reactivating a User (Admin Only)

When you have personnel changes or changes in personnel responsibilities, deactivate or reactivate users.


NOTE: Currently, deleting users is not possible in Exchange. Contact Operations to permanently delete users. Deactivate users you want to prevent from accessing Exchange.


To deactivate a user:


  1. Select Admin > User Accounts.  A list of existing usernames appears.  

  2. In the list of individuals, find the username to be deactivated.

  3. To open the profile, click the username.  

  4. To deactivate the username, click the Account Active check box to remove the checkmark.

  5. Click Save Account. The username shows a "False" in the Active column in the username list.


To reactivate a user:


  1. Select Admin > User Accounts.  A list of existing usernames appears.  

  2. In the list of individuals, find the username to be activated.  

  3. To open the profile, click the username.  

  4. To activate the username, click the Account Active check box to add a checkmark.

  5. Click Save Account. The username shows a "True" value in the Active column in the username list.


Related topics:


Working with User Information

Modify Your User Profile

Adding a New User (Admin Only)

Assigning Site Groups (Admin Only)

Impersonating a User Account (Admin Only)

Resetting a User Password (Admin Only)