Adding a New User (Admin Only)

As an administrator, you can add new users, reset passwords, and modify user profiles.


To add a new user:


  1. Select Admin > User Accounts. A list of existing usernames appears.

  2. Click Add Account.  The Account Settings form appears.

  3. Enter Username, Password, Confirm Password, First Name, Last Name, e-mail address, Primary phone, Mobile phone, and Pager.


You will also see a list of roles that you can assign to the user. Each of the roles has its own permissions. The following table contains the roles and definitions for the role permissions.


NOTE: As an administrator, the list of roles you see will be based on your user ID.  Channel Admins will only see the Channel Admin role assignment option when assigning roles to channel users.



Has Permission To  


View the channel tree, customer tree, and device trees for all customers

View the customer tree and device trees for the applicable channel


View/update roles for user accounts

View individual resource permission assignments for user accounts

View the Admin tab

View user accounts

Allows you to flush ACLs and remove a user account. These are both buttons on the User Accounts sub-tab on the Admin tab.


View the customer tree and device trees for the applicable channel


View the Engineering Analysis report

View the WAN Availability report

View the WAN Logical Circuits Availability report

View the Tickets Affecting WAN Availability report




View the CallManager Cluster Availability report

View the IPT Registered PRI Utilization report

View the Overall CallManager Cluster Availability report

Enables the user's Server product filter button on the network tree and shows servers in the tree

View server devices in the Inventory sub-tab list (the details in the lower pane are unaffected)


View the Top 10 Types of Attack report

View the Top 10 Attacked Hosts report

View the Top 10 Sources of Attack report

View the PIX Audit Log report

View the Threat Exposure: Daily report

View the Threat Exposure: Monthly report

View the Security Event Response Time report

View the Security Event Rate of Occurrence report

Enables the user's Security product filter button on the network tree and shows servers in the tree

View security devices in the Inventory sub-tab list (the details in the lower pane are unaffected)


Enables the user's Server product filter button on the network tree and shows servers in the tree


View the Request Service button on the Support tab, create work tickets, and search the tab for work tickets

Access the Close ticket button on the Trouble Ticket detail tab


View/create/update/delete site groups

View/create/update/delete site contacts

View/create/update/delete user accounts

View/update roles for user accounts

View/update the auto-close interval on My Settings page

View the Invoice search page

View the Admin tab containing the view of user accounts



View the Home tab

View the Details sub-tab on the Home tab

View the My Settings sub-tab on the Home tab


View the Network Details tab

View the Reports tab

View the Support tab

View the Searches tab

View and execute the Installs search from the Searches tab

View and execute the Alarms search from the Searches tab

View and execute the Inventory search from the Searches tab

View and execute the Trouble Tickets search from the Searches tab

View and execute the Work Tickets search from the Searches tab

View the ActiveMap tab

View the Dashboard sub-tab on the Home tab

View the Inventory sub-tab on the Network Details tab

View the Trouble Tickets sub-tab on the Network Details tab

View the Alarms sub-tab on the Network Details tab

View the Problems and Requests sub-tab on the Support tab

View the Account and Feedback sub-tab on the Support tab

View the Work Tickets sub-tab on the Network Details tab

Enables the user's WAN product filter button on the network tree and shows servers in the tree

View WAN devices in the Inventory sub-tab list (the details in the lower pane are unaffected)

Enables the user's LAN product filter button on the network tree and shows servers in the tree

View LAN devices in the Inventory sub-tab list (the details in the lower pane are unaffected)

View and update the Active Map settings on the My Settings tab to show either tickets or alarms

View the Mean Time to Isolate report

View the Mean Time to Notify report

View the Mean Time to Resolve: Single Event report

View the Mean Time to Test report

View the Trouble Ticket Cause Analysis report

View the Trouble Ticket Origination Analysis report

View the Trouble Ticket Volume: Top 10 Sites report

View the Trouble Tickets: Open vs. Closed report

View the Work Ticket Summary report

View the Fault Event Response Time report

View the Device Availability report

View the Device Type Availability report

View the Mean Time to Resolve: Multiple Events report

View the Traffic Analysis report

View the Operational Availability report

View the Performance: Monthly report

View the Performance: Weekly report

View the Device Type: Monthly Low Exceptions report

View the Device Type: Monthly High Exceptions report

View the Device:  Daily report

View the Device: Weekly report

View the Performance: Daily report



View the Network Details tab

View the Reports tab

View the Support tab

View the Searches tab

View and execute the Installs search from the Searches tab

View and execute the Alarms search from the Searches tab

View and execute the Inventory search from the Searches tab

View and execute the Trouble Tickets search from the Searches tab

View and execute the Work Tickets search from the Searches tab

View the ActiveMap tab

View the Inventory sub-tab on the Network Details tab

View the Trouble Tickets sub-tab on the Network Details tab

View the Alarms sub-tab on the Network Details tab

View the Problems and Requests sub-tab on the Support tab

View the Account and Feedback sub-tab on the Support tab

View the Work Tickets sub-tab on the Network Details tab

View and update the Active Map settings on the My Settings tab to show either tickets or alarms

Enables the user's WAN product filter button on the network tree and shows servers in the tree

View WAN devices in the Inventory sub-tab list (the details in the lower pane are unaffected)

Enables the user's LAN product filter button on the network tree and shows servers in the tree

View LAN devices in the Inventory sub-tab list (the details in the lower pane are unaffected)

View the DSU report


 *** The BasicUser role is required for all users, so it is not part of the displayed list.


  1. Check the check boxes for the appropriate roles.

  2. To enable the account, check the Active check box.

  3. Click Save Account. The page re-appears with the new username added to the username list.


Related topics:


Working with User Information

Modify Your User Profile

Assigning Site Groups (Admin Only)

Deactivating/Reactivating a User (Admin Only)

Impersonating a User Account (Admin Only)

Resetting a User Password (Admin Only)